“Environmentalitarian Time: Temporality and Responsibility under the Technoecological Condition” Keynote by Erich Hörl #moralmachines2019

The international conference Moral Machines? Ethics and Politics of the Digital World (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 6-8 March 2019) will discuss the urgent „question of the ethical, moral and political consequences of digitalization“.

Erich Hörl (Lüneburg, PI of Elements of a Critical Theory of Media and Participation) is one of the confirmed speakers at the conference.

As the organizers state: „No technology is just a tool, all technologies mark their users and environments. Digital technologies, however, mark them much more intimately than any previous ones have done since they promise to think in our place – so that they do not only enhance the homo sapiens’ most distinctive feature but also relieve them from it.“ Read more.

During this exciting event, leading scholars will discuss the problem of moral machines in contemporary digital cultures and politics. Among the keynote speakers are N. Katherine Hayles, Bernard Stiegler, Maria Mäkelä,Frédéric Neyrat and François-David Sebbah.

Visit the conference homepage for more information.

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