Julia Kohushölter

Julia Kohushölter was a student assistant in subproject 2 “Techno-sensory processes of participation. App-practices and Dis/Ability”.

Julia Kohushölter is doing her Master in Literature-, Art and Media Studies at the University of Konstanz. In her BA thesis she analyzed the “Interface as Media-Becoming”. Her Master thesis “Seriously Gaming – The indebted User” discusses the figure of the gamer as a subject of prognosis and indebtedness by focusing on practices of so called “Serious Games”.

Research interest

  • (Serious) Games/(Serious) Gaming
  • Debt
  • Performativity/Performance and Practice
  • (Cognitive) Capitalism


University of Konstanz

SP 2 „Techno-sensory processes of participation. App-practices and Dis/Ability

University of Konstanz
Department of Literature with Art and Media Studies
Box 157
78457 Konstanz

E-Mail: julia.kohushoelter(at)uni-konstanz.de

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