Robert Stock

Robert Stock

Robert Stock is coordinator of the research unit and associated postdoc in SP 2 „Techno-sensory processes of participation. App-practices and Dis/Ability“.

Currently, Robert is working on a postdoc project about the entanglement of musical practices and dis-/abilities in audiovisual productions. He has a PhD in Cultural Studies and was a member of the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), University of Gießen where he analyzed postcolonial memory politics and filmic testimony in Mozambican and Portuguese documentaries (transcript 2018). Before, he studied European Ethnology, Cultural Studies of Eastern Europe and Portuguese Literature in Berlin und Lisbon.

Research interests

  • Media practices of seeing and hearing
  • Disability Sound & Media Studies
  • Documentary film and dis/ability
  • Cultural animal studies
  • Audiovisual testimony
  • Luso-African film


Recent publications include „Musik-Filmische Teilhabekonstellationen als Partizipationsversprechen und situiertes Wissen in The Queen of Silence (2014) und And-Ek Ghes… (2016), forthcoming in: Paragrana. Internationale Zeitschrift Historische Anthropologie and Singing altogether now. Unsettling images of disability and experimental filmic practices, in: H. Hughes/C. Brylla: Documentary and Disability. London: Routledge. He is co-editor of ReClaiming Participation. Technology – Mediation – Collectivity. Bielefeld 2016 and senseAbility – Mediale Praktiken des Sehens und Hörens. Bielefeld 2016.


University of Konstanz



Publications SP 2

Group Coordinator

University of Konstanz
Department of Literature with Art and Media Studies
Box 157
78457 Konstanz

E-Mail: robert.stock[at]

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