Mathias Denecke

Mathias Denecke
Mathias Denecke is a research associate in subproject 4 “Media Cultures of Streaming. Temporality, Infrastructures, Evaluation”.

After finishing both the bachelor’s and the master’s degree in literature-arts-media studies at university of Konstanz in 2014, he started working on a dissertation project at Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Focusing on metaphors the project analyzes contemporary cultural and media scholarly positions which write on technical infrastructures and respective temporalities. The dissertation project “‘Observations of stream metaphors’ – transfer problems of digital cultures” aims on a ‘denaturalization’ (Blumenberg) of metaphors especially in media scholarly theory formation.

Taking contemporary’s buffering-experience as an example the project SP 4 concentrates on “temporalities of medial infrastructures”. The project starts with a historical deep drilling. Here, both the history of concept of micro-temporalities and the functioning of early computational buffering technologies are of interest. Merging before the backdrop of present-day on-demand streaming, the historical account allows to make media technical infrastructures readable in regards to its specific temporalities. Moreover, the practices linked to streaming are taken into account. Eventually, the project critically discusses the pluralization of temporalities in both a scholarly discourse and concerning the practices connected to streaming.

Research interests

  • Media theory
  • media technical infrastructures
  • theories of metaphors
  • temporalities


Recent publications include „Zuschauerfiguren zwischen Flow und Internet-TV: Vom Verfließen der Differenz“, in: Montage AV 1 (2017). Mathias is co-editor of ReClaiming Participation. Technology, Mediation, Collectivity, Bielefeld: transcript 2016 (with A. Ganzert, I. Otto and R. Stock).


University of Hamburg

Publications SP 4

TP 4: “Media Cultures of Streaming. Temporality, Infrastructures, Evaluation

University of Hamburg
Department of Socioeconomics
Sedanstraße 19
20146 Hamburg

E-Mail: mathias.denecke(at)

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