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Organized by the DFG-Research Unit “Media and Participation. Between Demand and Imposition”
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Athena Athanasiou: Takings sides: or what critical theory can (still) do
Keynote Address 28.06.2018
International Conference “Taking Sides – Theories, Practices, Cultures of Participation in Dissent”, University of Konstanz
Gabriella Coleman: Hacking ideological purity
Keynote Address 29.06.2018
International Conference “Taking Sides – Theories, Practices, Cultures of Participation in Dissent”, University of Konstanz
Emma Perez: The will to feel. Decolonial affective knowledges
Keynote Address 29.06.2018
International Conference “Taking Sides – Theories, Practices, Cultures of Participation in Dissent”, University of Konstanz
Judith Revel: Resistance and Subjectivization: From “I” to “We”
Keynote Address 29.06.2018
International Conference “Taking Sides – Theories, Practices, Cultures of Participation in Dissent”, University of Konstanz
Organized by the DFG-Research Group “Media and Participation. Between Demand and Imposition”. More information about the conference here.

Panel 1: The Art of Conviviality
(No recording available.)
Condividuality and Subsistence
Gerald Raunig (Zurich)

Panel 2: Practices of Commoning

Keynote Lecture

Panel 3: Mobile Commons
Mobile Commons and the Right to the City
Vassilis Tsianos (Hamburg) & Dimitris Parsanoglou (Athens)
Footnotes on Migration
Nanna Heidenreich (Cologne)

The international conference “Techno-collectivities” was organized by the DFG-Research Group Media and Participation. Between Demand and Entitlement (University of Konstanz) and the Graduate School Loose Connections: Collectivity at the intersection of digital and urban space (University of Hamburg). Further information about the conference here.

Visit the gallery here.

Jennifer Gabrys (London): "Indeterminate Technology and Automatic Urban Sensing"
This talk was performed and recorded on 09.06.2016 at the international conference "Techno-Collectivities" in Konstanz, Germany. More information here.
Luciana Parisi (London): "Unreliable Response and the Proof of Participation"
This talk was performed and recorded on 09.06.2016 at the international conference "Techno-Collectivities" in Konstanz, Germany. More information here.
Alexander Galloway (New York/Lüneburg): "The Black Box of Philosophy - Compression and Obfuscation"
This talk was performed and recorded on 10.06.2016 at the international conference "Techno-Collectivities" in Konstanz, Germany. More information here.
Anna Munster (Sydney): "Collectivation and Techno-Animalities – The Case of the Monkey Selfie"
This talk was performed and recorded on 10.06.2016 at the international conference "Techno-Collectivities" in Konstanz, Germany. More information here.
Dimitris Papadopoulos (Leicester): "Commensal Bonds: Community in the Absence of Consensus"
This talk was performed and recorded on 10.06.2016 at the international conference "Techno-Collectivities" in Konstanz, Germany. More information here.
Stevphen Shukaitis (Essex): "Infrastructures of Refusal"
This talk was performed and recorded on 10.06.2016 at the international conference "Techno-Collectivities" in Konstanz, Germany. More information here.
Facts and Rights: Making the Différance between Code and Law – Now An Apocalypse
Bernard Stiegler, Abendvortrag, 24.05.2016

Organisiert von Teilprojekt 5 (Elke Bippus, Sebastian Dieterich | Brigita Zuberi, Assistenz, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Institut für Theorie).

Die am Institut für Theorie der ZHdK organisierte Vortragsreihe stellt die Begriffe Ästhetik, Politik und Ethik nebeneinander und befragt – von deren Relationen ausgehend – „Widerstand“. Weiterlesen hier.

Der Viet Nam Diskurs
Helmut Draxler 10.05.2016

Probleme der Entunterwerfung. Künstlerische Praxis, soziale Bewegungen und Ethik des Widerstands
Jens Kastner 05.04.2016

Politik oder Ethik der Kunst? Über Handlungsmodelle und Selbstbeschreibungen avancierter ästhetischer Praktiken
Michael Hirsch 05.04.2016

Mapping the brain oder: Mikropolitiken des Hörens
Beate Ochsner 12.04.2016

Die Ordnung der Kunst: die Gegenwart umstürzen, das Gemeinsame erfinden
Roberto Nigro 12.04.2016

Partizipierend das Regime der Kunst durchkreuzen
Birte Kleine-Benne

Überlegungen zu einer Ästhetik der Teilhabe im Theater Artauds
Melanie Reichert

Kunst und Weltveränderung - Teilhabe als die res extensa der Kunst
Marita Tatari
Claus Pias (MECS, Lüneburg)
Keynote: Connectives, Collectives and their Secret, Zurich, May 8 2014.

„’Mr. Kittler’, [Luhmann] said then, ‘this is how it has been since Babylon. A messenger rides through the gate. Some people (like you) ask, which horse he is riding; others (like me) ask, which message he brings.’” It is impossible to summarize the difference between connectives and collectives any shorter than this anecdote does. Connectives are objects of investigation, created by media scholars, that refer to a material, pre--‐meaningful, infrastructural level. Collectives are objects of investigation, created by sociologists, which refer to a symbolic, meaningful and discursive level. Both have their systematic blind spots, and their historic grounds in the context of a modern age in crisis. What are the consequences, when digital technologies increasingly turn into a new arcanum? And what are the effects on the theory of participation, when the connectives become multitudinous and the collectives become  uncontrollable?

More information about the conference here.

A contribution based on the keynote by Claus Pias is part of the volume ReClaiming Participation.

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