Tourism and Everyday Life in the Contemporary City

Book cover of the edited volume with the title Tourism and everyday life in the contemporary city

This edited volume explores the multi-faceted entanglement of city tourism and urban everyday life by coining the term “new urban tourism”. It will be soon be available from Routledge. The chapters of the book address three central dimensions of this phenomenon: the extraordinary mundane; encounters and contact zones; and urban co-production. The authors discuss the consequences of ‘touristified’ neighbourhoods, the phenomenological concept of dwelling and the influence of short-term accommodation rental services on urban everyday life as well as other relevant topics. The volume results from discussions and an international conference organized by the Urban Research Group: New Urban Tourism, based at the Georg-Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies in Berlin.

Among the editors of the volume are Luise Stoltenberg and Thomas Frisch who are contributing a chapter on “Commensality and ‘Local’ Food: Exploring a City with the Help of Digital Mealsharing Platforms”. In their article, they analyze online mealsharing platforms as a distinctive phenomenon of new urban tourism. By drawing on a variety of empirical sources, the media sociologists examine Eatwith’s branding strategies of commensal experiences and of food as ‘local’. Thereby, Stoltenberg and Frisch identify “three essential characteristics of mealsharing platforms: they (a) frame a rather everyday activity as an exceptional event; (b) open up private homes for tourists and mobile city users; and (c) connect people who temporarily share the same geographical location.”

For more information on the book visit the publisher’s website: Routledge.

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