Undercommon Rhythms and Lines of Flight

22. Juni 2016, 2016 – 17:00-19:00
Archipelago Lab, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Sebastian Dieterich (Zürich) und Claire Rousell (Johannesburg) // in Englischer Sprache
The reading group at the Archipelago Lab at Leuphana University will have two guest from Johannesburg and Zurich. Together with Claire Rousell and Sebastian Dieterich, The Undercommons and a text by Stefano Harney “Hapticality in the Undercommons“ will be discussed Claire and Sebastian will also talk about the current situation in South Africa and the decolonisation students and worker movement that started with
#RhodesMustFall last year and shaked the whole country. Their collaborative work asks the question of how to micropractice decolonization and reclaim (an)archives of knowledge that were suppressed through colonization.
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